April 29, 2008 Rally to Save the Turnpike photographs
Pennsylvania Turnpike Won't Take Toll on Teamster Jobs
Gov. Rendell Raises White Flag to His Unpopular Plans to Lease the Pennsylvania Turnpike and Destroy Teamster Jobs
The Teamsters scored a victory over Gov. Ed Rendell's plan to lease the Pennsylvania Turnpike as the result of months of lobbying by General President Jim Hoffa, Pennsylvania Conference of Teamsters, Joint Council 53, Joint Council 40, the affiliated local unions and their members. Read entire PA Conference Press Release
Read Newspaper Articles
PITTSBURGH POST GAZETTECLICK HERE Rendell sacrifices 3 proposals for budget - Turnpike lease...
PATRIOT NEWS (HARRISBURG)CLICK HERE I've pretty much given up" on the leasing plan ..., Rendell said.